Service Without Exception

When it comes right down to it, we're service providers. Our job is to be available to you to provide quality legal services when you need them. And because it's difficult to anticipate when you might need our advice, we simply make ourselves available to you. Always. In other words, you have unfettered access to a trusted legal partner who understands your business whenever you need it. We are at your service. Period.

Regulatory Compliance

The Firm’s Corporate Legal Services Program provides comprehensive retainer services to financial institutions, including more than 130 credit unions. Services covered by the retainer include:

  • • Periodic Legal Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses Review (audit);
  • • Continuing evaluation of legal position and appropriate notification of necessary operational changes to meet legal and regulatory developments;
  • • Revision of documents and forms, either because of changing legal requirements or operational revisions;
  • • Assistance in the preparation and revision of policies, procedures and manuals;
  • • Unlimited consultation regarding specific operational and legal issues; and
  • • Research and preparation of opinion letters.

The program is structured on an asset based flat fee. The fixed fee includes all anticipated legal needs, except adversarial matters and substantial, new forms systems design.

The Legal Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses Review, which is conducted periodically, is a thorough examination of compliance and legal exposure, emphasizing uninsured risks analysis. After an on-site visit and evaluation of actual records, forms and procedures, we deliver a comprehensive analysis of our findings and recommendations.

In today’s volatile marketplace, financial institutions must utilize every available means to strengthen and secure operations. Quality legal services are the cornerstone for a secure future. The Firm has ten attorneys who work primarily with banking operational and regulatory matters. By scheduling our “in office” time, we are able to have a knowledgeable attorney actually available during ALL business hours.


Employees are your most valued resource, and we understand employee and staff disputes can hinder success. Unanticipated employee issues affect morale and productivity. We work with you proactively to prevent or reduce liability, to develop personnel policies and practices, guide you in compliance with federal and state regulations, including wage and hour requirements, and advise you on how best to avoid conflicts.


A successful collections practice must be accompanied by two characteristics – aggressiveness and persistence. To accomplish this, we utilize a hands-on approach for each collection file. Each file is assigned to an attorney (not a paralegal or “debt collector”) who personally reviews the particular circumstances of that file, prepares demand letters, makes calls to the debtor, negotiates settlement and ultimately files suit, if necessary. An attorney hands-on approach is necessary in today’s world of increasingly “debtor-friendly” regulations. The firm utilizes sophisticated collections software in order to quickly pursue and accurately monitor files.


For several decades, our attorneys have fought hard in bankruptcy court to enforce and expand creditors’ rights. Our attorneys thoroughly review each case, analyze the various options, and recommend the best course of action for that particular file. We focus on a timely and efficient resolution of bankruptcy litigation matters, including automatic stay litigation, objections to discharge/confirmation of plan, reaffirmation agreements, determination of collateral value, adversary proceedings to prosecute fraud and other debtor abuses, and all other creditor matters in bankruptcy court.


In today’s economy, there is a strong likelihood that no matter how strong a loan portfolio may be, foreclosure may be the only option for recovery. Our attorneys are experienced in both judicial and non-judicial foreclosure processes.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Assist clients with non-organic growth opportunities, including mergers and the purchase of banks.

Condominium &
Homeowners’ Associations

The Firm represents dozens of homeowners’ associations, including neighborhood associations and condominium entities. Through years of experience, we understand the legal and practical considerations necessary to run a productive association. With this goal in mind, we offer a Board and management company focused approach to whatever issue may be in need of resolution.

We also offer a broad range of business law services to meet the needs of small and medium size companies and other entities. From business formation to business dissolution, our lawyers are experienced in matters pertaining to all stages of the business life-cycle.

& Copyright

Making a good first impression with your brand image is important, but so is protecting that brand image. Even the smallest businesses can have a large and far reaching presence through the use of social media, websites and mobile apps. After investing time and money in brand creation and marketing efforts, companies often neglect to protect that investment by trademarking and copyrighting those original marks and content. Let us help you protect that investment and preserve that brand image now and throughout the growth of your business.

  • • Federal to state
  • • State to federal
  • • Converted to other types of financial institutions
  • • Bank purchases